This is the thread for Newcumers to introduce themselves.
Go on and give us your best ..or worst .."hello". If you'd like ..tell us a bit about yourself and what you're hoping to find/thinking you'll enjoy at XNXX.
And ..if you have questions about The Rules, don't understand how to PM, wonder about your gallery, wonder about the verification threads vs becoming Verified, or are wondering about how to navigate a profile page ..then we know reading isn't really your thing and we'll do our best to help you out with some instant gratification.
Or ..if you're not the "ask a middle member to explain things to you" type of person ..please feel free to peruse the Help Page ..where most of ..if not all your burning forum questions will be answered of the razzing you might otherwise encounter. ;]
Incidentally won't be able to PM until you've created 6 Posts. Commenting on a Post is not the same as creating a post in this regard. If you want to say something in private're going to have to say something out here first ..that's just the way she goes. You can thank the space-jammer spammers for that.
And ..any and all questions re becoming Verified/having the Verified badge on your profile should be directed to our Fearless Leader